Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday = catch-up/chill day?

So i just woke up about an hour ago (so about 1:25 ish) after a long day/night yesterday xD...well in general, a fun-filled weekend.

Friday night: After doing laundry and watching Desperate Housewives (new obsession :3) my friend Jesse called me to talk, so we hung out for a bit while i folded my laundry and then invited me to eat dinner with him and his friends. One of his friends, his roomie, is this kid Sean that i've known since preschool (didn't go to the same high school though). So we had BJ's. Yummmmy. but the waiter took 40 minutes to give us our check because he forgot about us and went on break xP. Afterwards, stayed in and watched desperate housewives until 4am xD.

Saturday: Kevin came at 10 am to come with me and my dorm hall (well only 10 of us haha) to the Getty Museum in LA. I hadn't been there since i was about 7 i think. It was gorgeous. And fun. However, we were supposed to stay until 4pm (got there at 12:20 ish) but we left at 3:30 instead because my RA (resident adviser) wanted to get fried chicken xP. So sadly the trip was cut short and we went to Roscoe's chicken and waffles. Kevin and i got nothing because we had packed sandwiches already and eaten them (yay for being prepared!). After we got back, Kevin and i chilled and took a nap...then watched an episode of Will&Grace (1st episode of season 8!) and an episode of Batman, the animated series (the first poison ivy episode). Then i was going to go to the free semi-formal in my dorm, but it was lame, so my roomie Mayra invited me to go to a kickback with her and her friend Jasmine (+ others). Met some cool people. it was a good night :]. Got back at 5:15 am ish. Good times.

Woke up late today. Now, eating time. Maybe an episode of Desperate Housewives before i do homework? :]].

I'll post museum piccies later!


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